Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One month together!

Well, this past weekend we celebrated one month of being together as a family of 4. What can I say about this month? It has been both absolutely wonderful and overwhelming. Being the mom of 2 is definitely more than twice the work of having one. Olivia has had quite a hard time with the addition . . . although she is now getting better (THANK GOD) . . . bringing a 3 year old into the family is definitely not the same as bringing home an infant. Giancarlo, fortunately, is adapting very well, he sleeps and eats well and is a happy, lovable little boy. It is exciting to see things through his eyes knowing he is seeing and experiencing so many new things. We are still getting to know each other . . . . overall things are going better than I thought they would but I wind up absolutely exhausted every night.

As we took Oli to school the other morning I looked at the rearview mirror and saw two beautiful faces looking back at me. That moment I was filled with joy, it was then that it hit me we are a family of 4. Life is good!

Here are some pictures of our last few days in Colombia before coming home.  I figured these are the things Giancarlo is thinking at the moment of the pictures:

At the zoo in Medellin . . "OLI GET YOUR *&%^& hands off of me!"

"This is the Colombian way to eat a hot dog"

"Celebrating with the ever popular sentencia cake and Juanita at Hotel Paris"

"This cake is BUONA! "

"Saying goodbye with the Hotel Paris staff ( they are SOOO nice!)"

"Homecoming photo of my new family. . MY FAVORITE! "

"Now what do I do?"

"Swimming with my big sister!"

We will be going to Disney World this weekend to be with some very dear and special families who have also adopted their children from Colombia.   This is the 5th year we are getting together and I cannot wait to be with them again!


tinamarie said...

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I hope you got the message I left for you the other day.
I spoke to Anthony, but would love to hear your voice - Z.
GIve me a call when you can.
I'm loving reading the blog and feeling a part of the happiness through photos.
Can't wait to come to Miami.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful family. I hope you have a wonderful holiday... What a special one it will be.

Mike, Emma and Amelia Cibelli